Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not an easy time

Good morning, everyone.  Please pray for Levi...things have gotten very tough for him and he's WAAAYY out of his comfort zone.  Differences in customs, culture, language, etc., have hit him upside the head this week, and he's not having such a good time anymore.     The preparation days are over and the actual sports camp begins today, so now he'll be dealing with other campers in addition to the church folks who have been there getting things ready.

There are about 19 people taking part in the camp--high-school and college-aged.  About half of them are not believers.  They're at varying levels of spiritual interest, all the way from "seeker" to self-acknowledged atheist.  Plans for the camp have been rapidly changing because of logistical issues and bad weather; this morning I saw on the news that a storm warning has been issued, calling for strong winds and rain.  Gary said they plan to have the sports time inside a gym today.  Hopefully this front will move on through quicker than the forecast calls for and outdoor activities will be possible again after all.

Each evening of the camp there will be some kind of presentation.  Tonight's subject is "Creation and/or evolution."  This will be interesting for the young people, because most of them have never heard anything other than the teaching of  evolution that's given to them in the schools and they don't even know that other views exist.  We appreciate everyone's prayers for Levi, for the camp, and that the possibly dangerous storms that have been forecast will not come after all.  Thanks!


Anonymous said...

That's hard, let Levi knows he's being prayed for! I love you guys and will be keeping all of y'all in my prayers.
Be blessed!Hannah

gcmiller2hu said...

Thanks, Hannah. We appreciate those prayers.