Thursday, May 23, 2013

May month of prayer - Day 23: Szolnok / OBU team

Szolnok, a county seat, is in the center of eastern Hungary on multiple major transportation routes, including rail, bus, truck, and boat. Pray that this will be a launching point for a great movement of the Gospel all across Hungary and beyond.

For more, see the online prayer calendar.

Praise the Lord for how He is using the volunteer team from Ouachita Baptist University as they serve all around our area through music, drama, testimonies and conversation.  Today they are in a high school sharing with the students, and tonight they will be featured at our weekly coffeehouse. Pray for good communication and open hearts as they share the Good News.

Some photos from Sunday at Trinity Baptist Church in Debrecen

An outreach event Monday in the town of Kaba


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